岡田 豊
1982年 京都生まれ
2000年 京都市立銅駝美術工芸高校デザイン科卒。イラストレーター"upinde yutaka"として活動。
2008年 伊豆でフォービズム巨匠「山川茂」画伯(当時83歳)との出逢いから絵画的追及に芽生え
Yutaka Okada born in Kyoto in 1982.
Graduated in design from Dohda Senior High School of Arts in Kyoto in 2000.
Using the name "upinde yutaka", he has worked as an illustrator since high school.
In 2008, he met Shigeru Yamakawa (83 years old at the time), a master of the Fauvism school of art,
became his apprentice for two years, and awoke to the pursuit of painting.
Started presenting his works at solo exhibitions and art fairs from 2009.
Currently he has returned to Japanese spirituality and perspective on nature,
and is exploring the expression of a deeper, quieter place of the mind.
Solo exhibition
2018 "心世界のフクロウ" Shonandai Gallery,六本木,東京/ Shonandai Gallery,Tokyo
2018 "福朗だるま -OWL DARUMA-" Gallery 201,北品川,東京/ Gallery 201,Tokyo
2017 "Out of noise" 美の起原,銀座,東京/ Bi no kigen,Tokyo
2017 "Out of noise" ATOM white gallery,新橋,東京/ ATOM White Gallery,Tokyo
2017 "Out of noise" Gallery 201,北品川,東京/ Gallery 201,Tokyo
2016 "Out of noise" 同時代ギャラリー,中京区,京都/ Dohjidai Gallery,Kyoto
2015 "Owl party +α" 一晴画廊,中京区,京都/ Ichiharu Gallery,Kyoto
2014 "Owl party +α" 武蔵野画廊,武蔵小金井,東京/ Musashino Gallery,Tokyo
2012 "Animal party" Gallery Namiki,銀座,東京/ Gallery Namiki,Tokyo
2012 "Animal party" ギャリエヤマシタ,中京区,京都/ Gallery Yamashita,Kyoto
2011 "Animal party" Gallery Namiki,銀座,東京/ Gallery Namiki,Tokyo
2011 "Animal party" ギャリエヤマシタ,中京区,京都/ Gallery Yamashita,Kyoto
2010 "Animal party" Gallery G2,銀座,東京/ Gallery G2,Tokyo
2010 "Animal parade" Gallery 556,四万十,高知/ Gallery 556,Kochi
2010 "African vibes" ギャリエヤマシタ,中京区,京都/ Gallery Yamashita,Kyoto
2010 "African vibes" 武蔵野画廊,武蔵小金井,東京/ Musashino Gallery,Tokyo
2009 "African vibes" Gallery Anri,名古屋,愛知/ Gallery An,Aichi
2009 "French vibes" Gallery Nishida,大山崎,京都/ Gallery Nishida,Kyoto
Art fair / Overseas exhibition
2018 "Forsaking Pop: A New Art Generation from Japan"/Group Exhibition/NewYork
2017 "TAGBOAT Independent New York 2017" /Group Exhibition/NewYork
2017 "TAGBOAT Independent Tokyo 2017"/Art fair/ Tokyo
2014 "Affordable Art Fair Singapore 2014" /Art fair/ Singapore
2014 "Art Expo Malaysia 2014" /Art fair/ Malaysia
2014 "Affordable Art Fair HongKong 2014”/Art fair/ HongKong
2013 "Ipswich Art Awards 2013"/Competition/ Australia
2013 "Affordable Art Fair Singapore 2013" /Art fair/ Singapore
2013 "Art Expo Malaysia 2013" /Art fair/ Malaysia
2012 "GEISAI #17" /Art fair/ Tokyo
2012 "Art Expo Malaysia 2012"/Art fair/ Malaysia
2011 "Art Expo Malaysia 2011" /Art fair/ Malaysia
2011 "17th Contemporary Art JAPAN KOREA"/Group Exhibition/ Korea
2017 TAGBOAT Independent Tokyo 準グランプリ
2016 美の起原展(銀座) 大賞
2010 清興会栃木展 会長賞
2010 清興展(東京都美術館)会友努力賞受賞
2009 清興展春季展 アカシ企画賞
2009 清興展(東京都美術館)一般努力賞